What is it they say about age and getting excited about household appliances? Well, whatever it is I’ve a feeling it could be true…
Since we moved here - to a house with mainly carpets - it’s been clear that our well used and much loved little vacuum was struggling. It’s still great on the Karndean flooring but with the majority of our new house carpeted, it really was hard work to vacuum, so much so that instead of blitzing the job as we would previously, it made more sense to tackle a room at a time.
In the end though I had to agree with MOH - we needed a new vacuum.
Though a quick search of prices left my eyes wide open, as did all the options and permeations available. So nothing happened for quite a while as it was just too tricky. However we were in Nottingham a month or so ago and actually looked at vacuum cleaners, in person. Unsurprisingly this helped narrow the field a lot, but we still left without one thinking that we could probably pick one up a bit cheaper online, or at least have it delivered and avoid carrying it home.
But that didn’t work out so well, or not immediately anyway - as our ‘chosen one’ was out of stock everywhere I looked, even on the maker’s website. I signed up for the ‘tell me when it’s back in stock emails’ but nothing ever arrived, so I took this to mean that the model was being retired and hopefully replaced.
It wasn’t all bad news though as we’d identified we wanted a Shark. We’ve had good vacuums in the past - a Dyson (which has been retired to the garage) and a Hoover, which had been promoted to our first choice. Both have served us well, but it was time for something new. And the Shark cleaners were new to us.
Our must haves were:
Be able to remove the battery and charge this independently of the vacuum cleaner.
Be able to deal with a lot of carpet, but also hard flooring.
Two batteries.
Store compactly.
Noise - nothing too high pitched and screechy.
Not cost the earth.
For me number 1 and number 5 were really important. One because I like our current arrangement of storing the cleaner in our plant room, and being able to charge the batteries separately. This ruled out a Dyson as I didn’t want the vacuum on show in our utility room, where we have a spare power socket (or to have the faff of getting a socket put in where we store the cleaner). And five because, our Dyson hurts my ears; the Hoover is better noise-wise but the Shark we tested in the shop was at a much lower pitch, so that worked in its favour too.
I’d expect all vacuums to manage my second and fourth requirements, but it’s worth making sure isn’t it - some claim to, and are, better than others. Having two batteries means that if the battery does run out on you, you can still carry on - maybe not a blessing every time, but useful if you want to finish off cleaning a room.
And number six, well - we can’t have everything can we?
It was definitely worth signing up to the ‘tell me when it’s back in stock emails’ as while I’d already clocked that Black Friday (which seems to last at least a week now) was approaching and was hoping that I might be lucky with that final option on our wish list. And it turned out to be a good choice, as one of the emails that arrived promised ‘early access to Black Friday deals’.
I was right when I’d assumed the model we looked at no longer existed, but I found one - the Shark Stratos Anti Hair Wrap Plus Pet Pro Cordless Vacuum [Double Battery] IZ420UKT - that had similar details to the photo of the tag from the shop. And so, around 7.30pm I ordered that, which was also £150 cheaper than we’d seen in person.
What I wasn’t expecting was for it to be delivered by 11am the next day. But it was. That was impressive.
I set about unboxing it, putting it together and trying it out. I was still impressed.
Over the next day or so we vacuumed the whole house. We were still impressed.