The loos in the bank vault

Yes that’s right, and it’s definitely a first - even for me - but it was kinda fun, and very well done. Before we get to the loos though, we were in Nottingham for a visit to the opera, like you do. Well we don’t that often actually, it’s probably only our third or fourth opera and it was a fabulous production of Romeo and Juliet by Northern Ballet. It was our first time in the Theatre Royal, which was a lovely old theatre and completely in contrast to the Concert Hall which we’ve been to many concerts and productions in before.

Inside the theatre royal in nottingham - a grand old theatre

Before the opera though we went for pizza - we’d seen a restaurant we wanted to try on a previous visit, and then neither of us could remember its name or where it was. But, after some internet searching we found it and so found ourselves enjoying pizza and mocktails in Rudy’s Pizza admiring the architecture, the high ceilings and the plasterwork and so much more.

Looking up to the plasterwork on the high ceiling in Rudy's pizza in Nottingham

How beautiful and grand is it? It’s definitely a statement of wealth and prestige. So even before my visit to check out the loos we knew we were sitting in an old banking hall - we’ve both been in a fair few of those in our time working in the City!

The thickness of the wall and doorway into the Ladies confirmed the prior use of the building - the thickness of the wall confirmed this was a previous bank vault.

The entrance to the Ladies loo - just look at how thick the walls are - at least two foot thick, it's an archway now though rather than a door

And the safe’s doubly confirmed it!

Two safes still in the vault, one has a doorway and toilet cubicle built around it

It makes total sense to leave them in situ - as not only will they be heavy (to say the least) they’re huge and more than likely would struggle to get out of the vault, and they definitely wouldn’t have got up the stairway I went down. The ladies cubicles were built around the safe, sadly though I wasn’t able to look inside the one with half a safe in so I’m not sure if it was visible inside or not. Though I’ll happily go back and try another time as the pizzas were pretty good too!

Looking up to modern pipework insulated and on show on the ceiling and tiled wall

So quite a different vibe here, but one that reuses a space creatively and with a nod to the building’s heritage - and another post in the Loo Series, which just a week or so ago I wasn’t sure when the next one would be! And I’ve another one to share too, but I’ll save that one for a moment.