The home of sticky toffee pudding

Who knew? It’s Cartmel in Cumbria, which just happened to be the closest village to our cottage in the Lake District. Funny how these things happen, hey? And the village shop is where it all happened, and still happens today - and yes, we did stop in and make a purchase.


And the sticky toffee pudding was good. Since we’ve been home we’ve seen the very same sticky toffee puddings in Waitrose, and they may have slipped into my shopping basket! If you’re looking for them you’ll recognise the Cartmel lettering from the photo above.

But even without the sticky toffee pudding history, the village was picturesque - but first join me on a walk to the village.


It wasn’t a long walk into the village, but as soon as you could spot the race course you knew you weren’t far off.


It was a lovely picturesque village, full of cottages, character and views.


On the outskirts of the village was the village lock up. Lock ups date from the 18th or 19th centuries when rural communities struggled to police burglaries, drunkenness and the stealing of livestock. These were built as places of temporary detention for rogues, drunks and miscreants until they could be brought before the area magistrate. This building fell out of use in the second half of the 19th century, and was awarded listed status in 1970. More recently, in 2018, the upper storey was added and it was repurposed as holiday accommodation.


But it wasn’t just the sticky toffee of Cartmel that we got to taste. We also tried its beer - also good, and ate at Simon Rogan’s Rogan & Co, the more relaxed of his restaurants in the village. This was the menu.


My cocktail was pretty special too, complete with nasturtium leaves.


We spotted this adventurous sheep on one of our walks back, perfectly happy grazing on the top of a wall. Like you do.


A wander through the pretty village of Orford

We've been enjoying some lovely weather again in London these last few days and it's been great. I'd *almost* forgotten what summer felt like and I suspect if the weather continues it wouldn't be too long before there were moans of it being too warm. We're a fickle bunch aren't we? Sadly though the forecast is for rain and another storm to head our way, but I'm hopeful that we'll have a great autumn, not only because I want there to be some tomatoes to harvest, but also because, well the world just seems a happier place when the sun's out.  

Cliched I know, but true.

I thought while the sun was still out we should take a walk around the pretty Suffolk village of Orford which we visited for the first time on our recent break. It has traditional cottages as you'd expect, is well known for its nature reserve and has the blue-est of quaysides as my first couple of photos show.  

At the quay in Orford in Suffolk

Our visit was shorter than we'd hoped as this was what turned into our day of almosts.  We parked at the quayside car park and headed off to explore, quickly discovering that Orford Ness nature reserve was closed on a Monday, we were ok with that though as I think if we'd really wanted to visit that's information we would have been sure to have known in advance.  

You can't get fresher fish than this

After a walk along the shore we headed into the pretty village admiring the traditional cottages and quirky architecture to see what there was to see and to work out what to do next.  The traditional row of cottages caught my eye for their postcard looks, but also because of the grass right up to the front door. With my practical head on I couldn't help but think that it would be a right faff in the winter with your shopping walking across the grass. It seems that some of the residents must also think that as it was clear that these weren't always the main entrance to the property.

Cottages in Orford with the green right up to their front door
whitewashed cottages with roses growing up it in Orford Suffolk

Roses and hollyhocks accompanied the whitewashed cottages and over the road some quirkier architecture popped its head over the hedgerow.

quirky architecture in Orford with a clocktower popping over the hedge

Typically cottage garden plants spilled onto the narrow pavement which ran alongside the greens. I'm always asking MOH what plants are to test him as we wander past, especially now he's more interested in gardening - maybe that's an age thing?!  And I did that as wandered past the Valerian below; it's a plant I know he knows, but one he normally can't remember so imagine my surprise when he came straight out with it!  Usually we have to do the "it begins with V" and my best clue "think of an Amy Winehouse song" which usually clinches it as he likes his music (and I'm rather proud of my clue as I'm rubbish with who sang what).  So there you go unscientific proof of something I'm sure, though I'm not sure what.

Valerian growing alongside the pavement in Orford Suffolk

The village had some great brick walls too.  I know that's not the usual thing to look at, but well faced with this wall surely you must start to see the attraction... or is that just me?

and spilling out of brick walls
a yellow line to protect the flowers - and the villagers sanity no doubt

Ah yes, remember what I was saying about there being some good brick walls.  Here's another.  

I found another brick wall to admire

I was keen to see what was on the other side but MOH looked at me like I was slightly mad, well more than usual anyway and quickly ushered me along the lane.  Quickly distracted I spotted a cut through and decided we'd head up there instead. And guess what we found?

The village allotments.

Peeking into the allotments in Orford Suffolk

I didn't go in there either, but it's the village that has everything.  Even allotments.  But sadly for us no fish and chips after 2:30 pm - and guess what time we decided to stop for lunch, yes 2:35 pm.  You couldn't make it up.  And you know that thing when someone suggests fish and chips by the coast - which everyone knows makes them taste even better - well then you just can't get it out of your mind. It became our quest too and so we headed back to the car and drove onto Aldeburgh, certain we'd be more successful there.

Turns out our optimism was short-lived as the fish and chip shops didn't reopen until 6pm, so resigned to the fact there wouldn't be fish and chips for lunch we headed to a cafe instead. Another slightly surreal experience as despite having cornish pasties in the display cabinet we were only allowed to buy cake - surreal also because I'm complaining about that!  Turns out that because it came with salad we couldn't have it, it was only for sale from the adjoining sister shop. So we had tea and cake and left.  See, a day of almosts.  I almost had a cornish pasty.

While eating the cake though we'd cracked a master plan for fish and chips, we'd buy some on the way back to the cottage as by the time we mastered the diversion en-route, surely the chippie would be open. And no doubt it would have been, in fact it might even have shut by the time we mastered the detour. We looped it three times and still couldn't find the road we needed. Being increasingly short of patience, plan C was put into place and the car took us to Southwold. Surely there'd be fish and chips there.

There was. Along with a bit of a queue. And so finally we got our fish and chip takeaway and sat overlooking the sea with our coastal fish and chips and a rather large tub of tomato ketchup.  Pure bliss.  And mission most definitely accomplished.