Post Comment Love 27-29 April

Hello there and welcome to another Friday and another PoCoLo - it's great to see you, whether you're new here *waves* or are a regular PoCoLo-er - either way, Morgan and I are pleased you're here.

I am going to revert to type and talk about the weather this week.  Goodness hasn't it been peculiar.  There's been the typical April showers - I've not managed to get caught in one yet, but I have discovered that my brolly is well and truly broken.  Thankfully it's only one of a few, and one I picked up somewhere several years ago, so that's been quite unceremoniously dumped in the bin.  

I'm hoping that's symbolic and the temperatures will be on the up again. I've seen the forecasts and I'm not convinced my optimism is well placed, but let's hope we don't have another few months to wait until we see the sun again!

On the plus side, the cherry blossom in Greenwich Park is looking glorious.  There's trees with branches laden of posy-like arrangements, and it's a wonder that they can stand upright. They are pretty though, aren't they?

cherry blossom in Greenwich Park

Blogger Showcase: Gemma from Waist Trainer

1. Who are you?

I'm Gemma, a mum of two children (boy and a girl) from the South Coast of England and I blog as Mummy's Waisted on

2. How did you discover blogs/blogging?

I'd read quite a few mummy/parenting blogs whilst on maternity leave with my two children, and when I joined Twitter, the whole blogging world opened up to me!

3. Why did you start blogging?

Originally I started writing content for the waist training site, and discovered that I really enjoyed it and wanted to expand the range of topics I was blogging about.

4. What do you find most challenging?

Just talking about one thing in a post! I often get distracted or go off down a different path than I'd originally intended.

5. What is your favourite topic to write about?

Trying out new things with my children, whether it's getting crafty or testing out a new recipe with them - my son loves baking.

6. Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

It's early days so I don't have long term goals yet, I would like to make enough money from blogging to not have to go back to accountancy!

7. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

It gives me an outlet for all the ideas running around my head - especially during night time wake ups with my daughter!

8. Have you ever attended a blogging conference?

Not yet.

9. What are your three best posts?

That's me in the corner, losing my identity; Little Chompers (testing out celebrity recipes for ease of cooking and whether the kids like them), and a guest post I wrote about making dinosaurs from junk boxes!

10. Describe yourself in three words

Organised, cuddly, surprising.

11. Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?

Definitely coffee and cake, I need caffeine!

12. What's your idea of a perfect night out?

I'm getting a bit old for late nights out at gigs, so probably going to see a comedian with my husband, with a nice meal beforehand.

13. Your perfect night in?

Watching a crime thriller with a takeaway curry.

14. What would your OH/kids say is your best quality?

I always put my family first, making sure they are happy - even if it means giving up the last slice of cake!

Thanks Gemma, it's great to find new blogs to read and wow, giving up cake - that's quite something!  

If you'd like to be featured as a future Blogger Showcase, please get in touch with either Morgan or I and we can sort out a date.