Post Comment Love 20-22 April

Hello there and welcome to another #PoCoLo and hasn't it been a lovely week?  If you were here last week it was great to see you and if you're new here then you're very welcome.  You'll have already realised that after a brief spell being almost caught up, I've reverted to type and am behind again, but I will get over to your posts and give them some love.

What I've found hard to fathom this week is how suddenly the weather changed; from winter to summer overnight, and I'm sure it'll be going back - hopefully somewhere in between - soon.  But I have been enjoying a warmer walk to work and have switched back to my summer route of across the grass in Greenwich Park.  That's still a bit dewy though, but you can't have everything can you?

Last night I was out for drinks in Greenwich after work and it really was a balmy evening.  It could have been abroad and there's definitely a different vibe in the air when the sun's out.  So much so that I've even popped into the garden this week to retrieve some of my cardboard haul (saved for the work in the conservatory - honest!) and to take some photos.

This week's photo is from the small willow pear at the end of the garden - and yes that's the tarpaulin covering the logs you can see in the background, maybe if the weather continues we'll be uncovering that, and the pizza oven.   

Let's hope so!

Flowers on the willow pear bush

Blogger Showcase: Lizzie from Lizzie Dripping

Regular linkers will, I hope, already be familiar with Lizzie's blog as this week we're featuring another of our #PoCoLo community.  You can read Lizzie's full answers over on Morgan's blog, but before you go, here's a snippet:

Lizzie has been blogging for about four years and loves to look back on old posts and reminisce, though that would be with a hot chocolate rather than tea or coffee, which she says she hates.  It's not all bad though as she loves cake and biscuits. Phew!

Thanks Lizzie, I'm always pleased when we feature one of regular linkers as the questions area  nice way to find out more about them.  If you'd like to feature in a future blogger showcase and are a regular linker or new here, then we'd love to have you - just answer the questions and get in touch with either Morgan or I.