In my garden: A first proper look after winter

Hasn't it been nice to have seen some sun this week? It was so nice that I ventured out into the garden one evening after work this week to retrieve the cardboard we've been accumulating as the preparations for the conservatory work continue.  But along the way I couldn't help but take a few pictures, and poke around to see what's going on. 

There was suddenly more colour than I expected, and some, like this kerria which is visible from the house.

The yellow pom poms of the kerria in full flower

I think it's the best I've seen this plant which has snuck through the fence from next door.  Patience it seems - as well as cutting it back hard - really does pay off.  It seems though that the forget-me-nots have much more patience, and resilience, than we do as once again they're back.

I do like them, but they arrive in droves, and so after a while we end up treating them like weeds.  But quite pretty weeds. 

Tiny forget me nots which we treat as weeds in our garden

Also just visible from the house is the reddy-orange flowers of the ornamental quince, and I can't work out if it too has more flowers this year, or if I've just spotted it at its peak. Who knows.

the red of the ornamental quince

The lime green euphorbias bring a zing around the garden, but in one place in particular when teamed with the vibrant lilac of the flowering honesty it is quite psycadelic.

the vibrant lilac of honesty against the lime green euphorbia

I was keen to see what the new(ish) camellia was up to as I couldn't quite work out what from my seat at the dining table. On closer inspection one white flower remained but one was in the process of decaying. As I've said before, no less pretty.

the white and faded flowers of the camellia

What surprised me though was that the cherry blossom was out. Every year though I think it provides one of my favourite photos. It's probably something to do with the freshness and that brick wall background.

The cherry blossom is out already

As I was poking around the cherry tree I spotted a pop of yellow where I wasn't expecting to see any colour. And discovered that I'm now the proud owner of yet another primula.

A new primrose has arrived in one of the sheltered pots

In the grass we could see a dark spot from the house, up close it was as I thought it was a patch of very tiny irises. I've a feeling they won't last for long as MOH is eyeing up the lawnmower and its first outing.

tiny irises have taken over the grass in spots

Closer to the house but hidden by the barbecue the replacement forsythia is in flower too.  I need it to grow a bit more this year, not only so we can see it and enjoy it, but also so I don't have to lean over the barbecue to get a photo!

a branch of flowering yellow forsythia

It shouldn't be a shock that many plants have suddenly grown given all the rain we've had, but even the box balls have sprouted so it won't be too long before the shears come out for those.  It's noticeable this year that the box balls that are more sheltered have already grown more rapidly than the one that's more exposed.

spurts of uneven growth on my box balls

The sensible solution would be to swap the pots around. But as the pots come past my waist and are full of earth, that's unlikely to happen unless we need to shift them so the builders can have access.  Actually that might need to happen, but if it does there should be some extra muscles on hand to help.

I am behind where I usually am with tidying the garden and sowing seeds, but it's been an exceptional year weather-wise so far and hopefully there'll be plenty of time for us to catch up.  
