Post Comment Love & Blogger Showcase 26 - 28 January 2018

Hello there and welcome to #PoCoLo where you can share any post from the past week that needs a bit more love. If you were here last week it was great to see you, and if you're new here then you're very welcome, and both Morgan and I are sure you'll find some great posts to read.

The good news this week is that I've done way better than last week on leaving work on time, there's still plenty of work to do but I've realised stressing about it isn't helping and as such have made more progress, small but progress nonetheless. I know that being tired isn't helping anything, but it's so easy to feel like being at your desk will help isn't it? 

In fact there is more good news, I completed my tax return too. I'd been stressing that I was leaving it late, even for me, but in the end it turned out to be two days earlier than last year.  Plenty of time.  Maybe this (calendar) year I really will do it much earlier.  I know I should, but I'm sure I also think there's something more exciting I could be doing.

I'm feeling super organised right now as I'm writing this post much earlier than normal as I'm off to a blog event with Houzz on Thursday evening to take a look at the Houzz of 2018 launch party - I'm sure I'll be sharing more!

I had been hoping to get out into the garden at the weekend but the rain, sleet and snow scuppered that idea and I was more than happy to stay inside. I've spotted snowdrops in the garden - amongst the very wet snow - and hopefully I'll have pictures of my own from the garden soon.

But in the meantime I'm continuing to raid my archives, and this week's photo is of a periwinkle basking in the sun. There has been glimpses in our continuing crazy weather, but the wind and rain hasn't been far away either.

A periwinkle in the sunlight, sadly not from this week

Blogger Showcase: Ray from Industry Me

1. Who are you?

Hi all my name is Ray and I am a music and lifestyle blogger from London and my blog is Industry Me.

2. How did you discover blogs/blogging?

During university blogs started becoming very popular and quite a few of my friends had them.

3. Why did you start blogging?

I wanted to share the music that was close to my heart. The music made by those who I felt were incredibly talented but often being overlooked by the industry.

4. What is your favourite topic to write about?

I love writing song reviews, especially when I really connect with the song.

5. Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

When I first started it was definitely just for fun, but I've grown to see the need for platforms like mine and there are certainly a few milestones that I hope to reach.

6. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

I feel like blogging helps to give others a voice and that's an incredible feeling.

7. Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if so, what did you think?

I attended the black British social earlier this year where I met many amazing bloggers and creatives, many of whom I'm still in regular contact with. It was an amazing event, incredibly insightful and I learnt so much that day!

8. What are your 3 best posts?

My three best posts are my interview with Risa Binder, my post on the impact of culture on the UK music scene and finally my interview with designer Frances Bradley.

9. Describe yourself in three words!

Funny, courageous and intelligent.

10. Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?

Neither lol I'm a tea and cakes kinda gal.

11. What's your idea of a perfect night out?

Anything that involves great food and a restaurant with great lighting I am all about the ambience.

12. Your perfect night in?

Netflix (most likely the Gilmore girls) a nice cuppa and some almond slices.

13. What would your friends say is your best quality?

I think my friends would say it's the fact that I'm honest. I suppose it's my best and worst trait. But they know that no matter how hard some things are to hear it always comes from a good place with me.

Thanks Ray, it's great to learn more about you and your blog.  If you'd like to be featured in a future Blogger Showcase then please get in touch with either Morgan and I.

And before you link up, please take some time to connect with Ray on her social channels:  Twitter  -  Instagram.