Lots of inspiring garden projects

Today I've something a little different for you as I've joined with some other bloggers to share lots of inspiring garden projects. I'm sharing three of my what I think are inspiring posts. There's painting, sewing, some pottering and some scrubbing - so quite a mix and I hope you find something that appeals to you from my mosts and from the other blogger's posts which you'll find below the photos. 


1. Revamping some chairs from eBay

I bought the chairs on eBay with grand intentions, but then left them in the garden for quite a while before attacking them with some fantastic yellow paint.  With them painted I then decided to make some cushions for them, without a pattern and without too much sewing experience and with piping.  Well, let's just say there's nothing like learning on the job and if I can do this, so can you.

Read more about how I made some dull white garden chairs into these jazzy yellow ones here.

2. Potting on houseplants

This is a much more recent post but hopefully no less inspiring. Here I've taken my scraggy aloe veras and re-potted them into new compost and giving each of the babies their own pot. The result is I have a lot of pots of aloe veras now as my plant really does seem quite promiscuous.

And the best bit, the pottering in the greenhouse - it's the perfect way to escape and have some time to yourself.

3. Some elbow grease for wooden garden furniture

This post just goes to show how productive an afternoon with a scrubbing brush and a bottle of kitchen spray can be.  Ideally it's best done in the sun and after an afternoon scrubbing dirt and grime, not only are the results amazing but you've really deserved a G&T.

You can see in more detail just how I achieved these results here.


But that's not all, here's some more inspiring posts for you:

Catherine from Growing Family has three great family gardening projects, she has been sowing a mini wildflower meadow, growing vegetables in containers and making new plants for free. 

Becky has 3 lovely garden projects to share, a secret garden, making a herb planter and flower pressing.  

Over at Fresh Design Blog, Rachel has ideas for making your garden bird-friendly, planting sunflower seeds and essential spring weeding and pruning jobs to do now. 

Penny has three easy but great fun projects children will enjoy helping with, she has been making miniature gardens, creating a scarecrow and planting wild flowers. 

Cathy from Wishful Wonderings has been looking for inspiration and creating a herb box for her small garden. 
