The hedges at Montacute House

Over the weekend my 2016 photo book arrived, yes a little delayed, but it was a busy year. And a busy year means a lot of photos. One of the things that stood out was our visit to Montacute House in Somerset, and so today, I’m sharing the hedges from there.

Well, you know me and hedges. And these are some hedges.

Hedges at Montacute House in Somerset

Ok, I was teasing you there. You might be wondering what is so special about the hedges, but as well as the more traditional hedges, there was also what you could call a cloud or a bubble hedge.

A bubble hedge at Montacute House in Somerset

The sheer size of it was amazing. Not just its height, or length but also how deep it was. As you can see from the photo below, I decided I needed a closer look, and not only found a path and another flower bed behind the hedge, you could quite clearly see how much it had been cut, I’m sure to reclaim the path.

behind the hedge

The house, which you can see part of in the photo above is ‘a masterpiece of Elizabethan Renaissance’ according to the National Trust website, and the glass in the house and the garden you can see through its windows are pretty special too. Our visit, how it was three years ago I don’t know, was on one of those crisp and clear autumn days, and the dahlias were still full of flower.

pom pom dahlias in the border

The hedge is yew, and the photo below gives you a sense of its size.

a bubble or a cloud - what do you think this hedge looks like

I told you the hedges at Montacute House were pretty impressive, didn’t I? It’s definitely worth a stop if you’re in the area, and I haven’t even told you about the windows yet…
