Getting my bread making mojo back

I've written before how I regularly make my own sourdough bread and how easy it is.  Somehow though I'd forgotten and got out of the habit of making it. Since we came back from France, in the middle of June, I've not made a loaf and before that it was sporadic too.  My breakfasts have consisted of a bagel, either cinnamon and raisin with some of my blackberry & lime jam or sesame with peanut butter. 

Nice, but not the healthiest start to the day.  I keep meaning to make a loaf and have fed my starter but still nothing. That is until Friday evening, when my bread making mojo came back. As I write this I've just left a sourdough to rise and do its thing, but that wasn't the first thing I made.

No it started on Friday evening with a pizza. Then over the weekend some coconutty and raisin swirls (similar to Chelsea buns) and finally today that sourdough.  I've now got some pizza dough in the freezer too and I think I've found my favourite pizza topping that doesn't involve any kind of chilli.  And as a self-confessed fish-phobic you might be surprised by my choice, I was.

I used this Home-made Thin Crust Pizza recipe on Kitchn for the base and then set about recreating a pizza topping I'd eaten in Blois - Prawn and Smoked Salmon, like I said an unusual choice for me, not only because it was fishy but because there were no chillies and no tomato sauce either. I think though, after a week of eating out in restaurants (I know, tough hey?) my tastebuds were craving something meat-free. MOH was just as surprised as me.

It turned out really well and it's a topping we'll be having again. I think, on reflection, it'd be great to add some chopped parsley over the top too but as I didn't have any we managed without.




Prawn and Smoked Salmon pizza

1/2 quantity of pizza dough (I've frozen the other half from the recipe above)
2 leeks, thinly sliced
Garlic oil
Creme Fraiche
Parmesan, grated
Black pepper
Oregano, because every pizza needs this in my book
Prawns, I used raw but lightly cooked them first
Smoked salmon trimmings
Parsley, optional


  1. Heat half a tablespoon of garlic oil in a frying pan and add the thinly sliced leeks until they soften. I used garlic oil as quick way of getting some garlicky flavour (thanks Nigella!) but you could also add a finely chopped clove of garlic here.
  2. Add up to two tablespoons of creme fraiche to the leeks and cook on a low-ish heat.
  3. Add up to 50g of grated parmesan and some freshly ground pepper, then leave to cool while you prepare the pizza base.
  4. Roll out or pull the pizza dough into shape onto a piece of baking parchment. I rolled it because I stood more chance of getting it super thin that way, and the baking parchment was a really good idea.
  5. Add the leeks to the pizza base and spread out across the dough and top with some sliced mozzarella.
  6. Sprinkle some oregano over the leeks and cheese.
  7. Lightly cook the raw prawns in the frying pan until they turn pink and add to the pizza.
  8. Sprinkle half of the smoked salmon trimmings over the top and season with pepper.
  9. Cook for 10-12 minutes in a pre-heated oven at 200 degrees or until the pizza is brown and bubbling.
  10. Before serving add the reserved smoke salmon trimmings and the chopped parsley if using.


I need to try those coconutty and raisin swirls one more time before I share what I did, but if they work out the second time I'll share those here too - watch this space! In the meantime let me know what your favourite pizza topping is, I'm feeling inspired to break away from my pepperoni and chilli staple!

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