Reassembling the little shed

Ever since we brought the little shed home from the allotment it’s taken up residency in a spare corner of the garden, hidden behind the pizza oven. Still in its component parts. Our intention was always to reassemble it. I’d hatched a plan to use it to free up some space in the greenhouse, which was becoming a bit full.

And finally it happened.

Reassembling the little shed

MOH is a perfectionist, and I’m a just get it done kind of person. He wanted the warped doors straight, I was happy for them to provide some shelter for the contents. Well, they say opposites attract!

While he perfected the banana shaped doors, I cleared a space for it. Finally emptying the last of my ‘reserved’ soil in pots around the garden. That’s been hanging around for a while too.

A space ready for the shed
he got the doors on
Doors on, now for the roof felt

Neither of us had even put felt on a shed roof before. But how hard can it be? It turns out, I was more of a perfectionist at this point.

It was about now that I shared my next masterplan with MOH. You’ll see why he’s the patient one. As part of clearing space in the greenhouse I wanted to change the staging, and the wooden shelving which had already been cut in half and repurposed once before, was now set for its final destination. Unfortunately it didn’t fit in in a single piece. Perhaps we should have built the shed around it?!

a new plan for this shelving

And so we started to take it apart. Some of the bolts were rusted, he was the one with the muscles and the patience. And no doubt bemusement. But they came apart, and along with some old brackets we had in the shed were soon inside the shed almost where I wanted them. Remember it’s a small shed, and let’s just say at some points he wasn’t that impressed with my shelving plan. Mostly when he was head and shoulders and twisted inside the shed, when I was insistent the shelves didn’t wobble.

rusty bolts

These bolts, and a bit of rotten wood were all that was left. Not bad for a reuse project.

loading the little shed

Once we got the shed in place - which took a little longer than it should have - it was surprisingly easy to fill. Without the shelves, it wouldn’t have been anywhere near as useful.

those doors close very nicely

Another job jobbed. Finally. Though he’s still not happy with that banana shaped door!
