Actually this post is the exact opposite of its title, it demonstrates how rubbish can be repurposed and with some inventiveness can be incorporated into our gardens, without looking like a pile of old rubbish in the corner. And if you' haven't already worked it out from the pictures this post is another from Gardeners' World Live, and another of the Beautiful Borders.
You'll quickly spot the purple theme too.
I’m a fan of the bare lampshade which would be great with plants grown through it. It's a great way to add some height to a garden in a funky and unusual way. I think I'll have a hard time of it persuading MOH we should do this though.
I'm also not sure he'd be too impressed if I gave his bike this treatment. It is a “proper” bike though isn’t it, complete with basket.
Herbs are great for growing in containers and both of these photos demonstrate that, I particularly like the thyme tea below.
And of course for a cup of tea you need a kettle.
The purple and rubbish theme continued throughout this border with the red-purple lettuce in a vanity case.
I was impressed with the alliums, they're a favourite but mine anyway and mine have long finished, so it felt like a treat to see more in full bloom this year.
The purple gnome made me laugh - and in case you're wondering I don't want one in my garden - but his plant pot, complete with seedling, is fun (I still don't want one).
Most of the borders in this part of the show were densely populated and that's something I admire and aspire to, I'm sure it's a way of suffocating the weeds too, so an added bonus!
The lettuce, another of my favourites - I really should grow some of this - in the fish tank seemed a good idea, although I'm sure mine would have silvery trails of snails and slugs all over it.
What do you think, rubbish or not?