The Garden Year: June

We’re spending more and more time in the garden, in part thanks to the nice weather, but also because there’s so much to be done and because of lockdown. We’re fortunate to have a garden, we know that, but it’s also a lot of work. But it’s rewarding too.

The flower of the month has to be roses, ours are really starting to bloom and we’re deadheading to keep the flowers coming. My greenhouse is starting to become full and I’m constantly going over the pots i have available, and what I plan to plant where. I’m sure it changes each time, and I just hope I have enough space for everything that needs planting out.

With the weather so nice it’s also been a good time to take my houseplants out for a really good water. We lost the orchids over the winter, I’m not sure if it was too much or too little water. I’m determined to try again though.

houseplants having a drink outside

June in the garden

  • Add some butterfly-attracting plants, such as aubretia, rocket, valerian, lavender, scabiosa, honesty and buddleja.

  • Give houseplants an airing outside, and a good drink.

  • Regularly deadhead perennials and roses to encourage more flowers.

  • Water containers, bedding plants and vegetables regularly.

  • Look after your strawberry plants, and aim to beat your garden’s wildlife to them.

  • Feed tomatoes, peppers and similar vegetables every two weeks - read the instructions, and make sure you dilute it!


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