The Garden Year: November 2024

Welcome to the last Garden Year linky of the year as realistically there’s little to post about over the winter months, and so this linky takes a break. Thanks to everyone who’s joined me throughout the year - enjoy the winter, let’s hope it’s kind.

This past month I’ve been trying to catch up in my garden - I’ve still lavender that hasn’t been cut, and realistically much of which remains uncut is likely to stay uncut. I’ve got some done on the nicer days, but with an unexplained pain in my wrist I’m trying to do less of what aggravates it - and it seems chopping and secateur use is on that list. It gets better when rested though, so that’s good news.

I am hoping to do some small tree tidying work, though may have to enlist MOH to help with that - which will be good, but also trying as explaining exactly where to cut things can sometimes get lost in translation to a not-so-keen gardener!

Leave a link below to share what you’ve been up to in the last month, or add a comment sharing your plans for the upcoming month.

Advice, inspiration and places to visit


The Garden Year: October 2024

Welcome back to this month’s Garden Year linky - if you were here last month, it was great to see you. If you’re joining for the first time, you’re very welcome. The linky will stay open for the whole month, so I hope you’ll pop back during the month. I’m looking forward to reading about your garden projects and garden visits.

Well this past month we’ve managed to sneak in some sunny days - realistically they’re likely to be the last, but we may be lucky you never know. My sunflowers flowered last month and my tomatoes began to ripen, though shocked by the amount of rain quite a few of them split.

What have you been up to in your garden?

Advice, inspiration and places to visit


The Garden Year: September 2024

Welcome back to this month’s Garden Year linky - if you were here last month, it was great to see you. If you’re joining for the first time, you’re very welcome. The linky will stay open for the whole month, so I hope you’ll pop back during the month. I’m looking forward to reading about your garden projects and garden visits.

It’s been great to enjoy summer in the garden - or at least some of it, we’ve had all sorts of weather this month, but I think that’s an English summer right? As the days shorten (already - it seems so soon), you can almost smell and taste the seasons changing can’t you. Though autumn is a particular favourite of mine, I know that it also brings winter much closer - but I’m not thinking about that quite just yet.

Let’s enjoy these next few months getting our gardens ready for another year of growing

Advice, inspiration and places to visit
