Post Comment Love 8 - 10 March

Hello there and welcome to this week’s #PoCoLo a friendly linky where you can link any post published in the last week.  If you were here last week, it was great to see you and if you’re new here this week, then you’re very welcome.  Both Morgan and I know you’ll find some great posts to read, and encourage you to pop over to some of the posts linked and take the time to leave a comment or two so that everyone benefits from some extra love.

Yesterday was a big day at work. It was University Mental Health Day and we had a full programme of events promoting self-care and in fact, the whole week has been full on. It was worth it though, it all went well, people turned up at my crafting session and although there weren’t many sheep made, we demonstrated it’s ok to craft in public, generating plenty of interest.

The challenge now, as with anything, is to make sure that good continues to come out of it and that the big event isn’t a token and something that happens just once a year. Already it seems a group of staff are keen to carry on meeting up to craft, so that’s a promising start, but I’m hopeful for much, much more - and not all craft related.

The photo I’m sharing this week is an old one, and from Gardeners’ World Live last year and it’s a burst of colour that’s much needed here, despite the pom-pom sheep! I’m not a fan of the grey days we’ve been having lately, that’s for sure.

At Gardeners' World Live.jpg

Blogger Showcase: Precious from Upwrites Books

Precious is in her final year at university in Lagos and is a student who loves writing. Poems and short stories captivated her enough to start a blog of her own, which she finds fun and for nights in would love to watch movies, chat and tweet. Find out more on Morgan’s blog and connect with Precious on her social channels: Twitter - Instagram - Pinterest.

Remember: you could be a future Blogger Showcase, just answer the questions and send them over to Morgan or I and we can sort out a date.