Post Comment Love 6-8 April

Hello there, welcome back to our post-Easter #PoCoLo - while it was lovely to have a break, it's nice to be back isn't it?  And the sun's making an appearance too, way better than the colder and snowy weather that had been around in some parts of the UK last week.

It's finally starting to feel as if we may be done with winter, doesn't it?  Let's just hope spring is kind to us.  The weather has played all sorts of havoc with my gardening, or rather that should be my lack of gardening so far this year.  I'm behind where I usually am at this time of year - and often that's behind in any case - so this year I'm seriously contemplating buying some seedlings to help catch me up.  It's a more expensive way of growing edibles, but with some careful choosing it could mean we have produce to pick.  It also means I get to pore over a different section of the catalogues and websites, all in the name of research.

I've taken few photos since the weekend - the post I've linked this week is from a trip into town over Easter - so I've delved into my photo archives again, and this bookshelf in the National Trust's Mottisfont called out to me.  I think it's my subconscious telling me I need to read more books - and I do - and I've a pile of "to be reads" stacking up on my kindle, but not necessarily all of these!  

Books at the NT's Mottisfont

Blogger Showcase: Katelynn from Hampers and Hiccups

Katelynn is a new(ish) blogger who regular linkers may already be familiar with as she's also joined us a few times already.  Morgan is hosting all of Katelynn's answers on her blog this week, but before you go let me tell you that her perfect night in involves popcorn and her perfect night out includes getting up to no good if she's with her best friend.  I think we can all relate, can't we? 

If you're not connected with Katelynn on her social channels, then pop over to Pinterest and Twitter and say hello!

If you'd like to be featured in the Blogger Showcase spot, then please get in touch with either Morgan or I.  We've currently got a waiting list until the end of May, but we're always looking to add people to our list.