An irresistible hibiscus

Almost too irresistible, but also so very beautiful and delicate. This beautiful hibiscus was one of our gifts at our 110th party the other weekend.  It's also known as a rose of China and is a tropical plant which is tender here in the UK, most often seen as a houseplant in conservatories or greenhouses. They're plants I look at in wonder whenever we visit the big houses with these, but now we have our very own.

It's beautiful, and it's blooms are exquisite.  The leaves are waxy like a camellias, but shaped more like a rose - it's a crazy, mixed up kind of plant, I guess.  And one that's been enjoying the warm spell, so long may that continue.

A present, a hibiscus, and a flower - yay!

The flowers only last a day or two, and with the weather last week it's thrived in our garden. 

A fallen - and spent - bud from our new hibiscus

However, it looked as if it could do with a larger pot.

A standard hibiscus, in quite a small pot - what it needs is a much larger pot

And, I had one in mind. One that while it was full, it was full of self-seeded plants. It wasn't long before these were moved into the compost and the hibiscus was planted in their place.

And I had a much larger pot, that could do with something more
All of the plants here were self-seeded

I think it looks great in this pot and it's flowers add a real pop of tropical colour right at the edge of the patio. Reading more about its care I suspect I'll need to repot it so I can bring it inside over winter, as while that pot also needs protecting it's normally dragged under a nearby bush and covered in bubblewrap, and I don't think that'll work now.  

And quickly replaced with the new standard hibiscus

The buds start as tiny little things nestled in the leaves, and our plant is covered in them.  As they grow the flower develops and becomes visible bit by bit.  And then boom! the flower is revealed.

From this very tiny bud, you get a flower
Slightly bigger and the petals start to show
And then it flowers - beautiful aren't they?
The the flower drops leaving this on the plant

Once the flower has faded, all that's left is the unfurled bud, and the intrigue as to which bud will flower next.

The flowers really are amazing on this hibiscus, which was a present for our 110th birthday/anniversary

So hours of fun for me watching this plant develop, and a really thoughtful gift - thank you.  And a new plant to learn how to look after, if you've tips for caring for a hibiscus, then let me know.