Post Comment Love 23 - 25 June 2017

Hello there and welcome back to another #PoCoLo - this week I'm a lot calmer, my to do list is shorter and it's not just the heat that's slowed me down. If you were here last week, thank you, it was great to see you and if you're new here, then welcome, I just know you're going to find some great posts to read, and maybe some new-to-you blogs too.

We couldn't have had better weather for our party, in fact it might have been too good if that's such a thing? I was glad of the ice we'd bought and for our new garden parasol and gazebo. We had such fun and I've linked my post about the party this week so you can read more there. Somehow though we have very few photos of the actual party, I think because we were just too busy hosting and having a great time with everyone who came to celebrate. 

I think I'll remember the day for many things, but not least because the sky matched the colour of mum's patriotic bunting!



The weather has been great though hasn't it? There's been lots of talk about Wednesday beating the highest temperature from 1976. I remember that summer fondly, and the big difference to the heat now is that then I'm pretty sure I spent most of the hot weather in and out of a paddling pool. I'm not sure that'd go down so well in the office...

Our office is very warm, no air conditioning for us, and that's been a bit of a challenge, but it seems the temperatures are set to return to more normal levels, and while I've enjoyed this mini-heatwave, I won't be overly sorry for some cooler nights. 

Blogger Showcase: Jessika from AnecNotes

This week you can read all of the answers from our Blogger Showcase over on Morgan's blog - but before you go, let me share a little about Jessika from AnecNotes.  Jessika is an internationally travelling musician whose night out and night in struck me as poles apart. One involves knitting and the other a traditional Argentine tango, I suspect you can work out which is which!

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