Post Comment Love 24-26 November 2017

Hello there and welcome to another #PoCoLo and Friday again so soon!  If you were here last week, thank you it was great to see you, if you're new here this week then hello you're very welcome - you'll find we're a friendly bunch and if previous weeks are anything to go by you'll find some great posts linked up.

It was a bit windy the other night wasn't it? I'd popped over to another of Homesense's new stores for a spot of shopping and could really hear the wind picking up, I was relieved when I peeked out of the window yesterday morning when there wasn't any damage. My jasmine which was growing up a bamboo wigwam was more horizontal than I'd like, but at least it was still in the garden!

It's also been a week that's felt more festive, and not just because of the shopping in Homesense and its baubles - more of that soon. In the cafe at work yesterday I was looking for something sweet and my usual go-to flapjacks were nowhere to be seen. But up stepped these festive cup cakes, and it was good, the flapjacks could be stepping aside for a while.  

There was some Christmas music playing so it felt perfectly ok to tackle one of these. The festive music is a little early for me, but I can make an exception, as could the person behind me in the queue, clearly there was some kind of solidarity going on!

Festive cakes in the canteen

Bloggers Showcase: Kim from Northumberland Mam

If you're a regular here you'll no doubt have read Kim's blog, Northumberland Mam, as she's another of our regular linkers, and you know how much Morgan and I love to feature our regulars, it makes it kind of special. Morgan is hosting Kim's full set of answers to our questions, but to give you a taster before you head off and find out more, did you know that Kim says bloggers are awesome people and likes to dunk biscuits in tea?  Me too, gingernuts are the best right?

Take some time to connect with Kim on social media:  Facebook  -  Twitter  -  Instagram