Post Comment Love and Blogger Showcase: 17 - 19 November 2017

Hello there and welcome to another Friday and another #PoCoLo - if you were here last week, it was great to see you. If you're new here this week, then welcome - I'm pretty sure you're going to find some fabulous blog posts, and maybe even new-to-you blogs in our friendly linky.

I've had another of those weeks when my mind and plans work faster than my body and reality can keep up with. I've planned to do so many things and not quite managed it, but there's still some week left, so who knows what I might achieve!

One of the things I have managed is the prototype for one of my Christmas projects. I'd bought a new die cut for my machine, but wasn't quite sure how it would work out. But it's all coming together nicely. There's still some glueing to do, and a lot more cutting too - but you know what, I think I've finally found a use for those miniature pegs I hoarded a while back!

Of course, I'll let you know how I get on.

The prototype box for my homemade advent calendar

Blogger Showcase: Mama Grace from Bards for Babes

1. Who are you?

I’m an actress who’s moving around the world with my humanitarian husband to bring up our family, and my blog is Bards for Babes.

2. How did you discover blogs/blogging?

I wanted to give my poetry an audience, I had written so many and wanted them to be read and enjoyed. I’d decided to join my husband abroad but I couldn’t find any acting work, so I shifted my focus to writing; I’m a creative and love to produce, so each day I would write. I’d heard of Wordpress and started playing about with putting them on and seeing what it looked like. I was pleased and excited with seeing them outside of a word document and hit publish and Bards for Babes was born.

3. Why did you start blogging?

When you act the journey is completed when you perform and because of the audience, well in theatre anyway, TV and film has a different time frame and payback. It can be scary having an audience because you are open to allowing how that person feels about your work coming back to you, good or bad but that’s the journey and I love it. I wanted that for my writing. I wanted the journey to be complete and I wanted them to escape my laptop and be read and enjoyed. I wanted Bards for Babes to be read by other mothers to their children.

4. What do you find most challenging?

I’m predominantly trying to write a play and the ‘blogging’ of the poetry can take up more time than I anticipated, which means I’m finding it hard to fit in both but I’m getting there.

5. What is your favourite topic to write about?

Oh, I don’t know. I guess I’m open to anything as a stimulus. I observe or live this experience and they’ll be an urge to create and have some fun from it. I don’t plan or write by topic, my poetry’s usually reacting to a need or experience she’s shown me.

6. Are you blogging for fun or do you have goals?

Fun. My goal is to have fun.

7. What is your favourite thing about blogging?

I write more because I have something to write for. I learn from my audience and of course reading my poems to Grace. They’re written for her.

8. Have you ever attended a blogging conference and if so, what do you think?


9. What are your three best posts?

  • Rainbow Baby - I wanted to acknowledge my unborn child.

  • The Silent Partner - a nod to my OH and all the working parents.

  • Safe Dreams - I love bedtime and ending the day reading something that feels quite magical.

10. Describe yourself in three words!

Creative, passionate and focused

11. Are you a tea and biscuits or coffee and cake person?

Tea and cake, more specifically Rooibos tea and I love a homemade cake.

12. What’s your idea of a perfect night out?

Food, food, food. We don’t really do presents (we have 2 suitcases plus an extra 10kg allowance to move with each time, so it’s best not to accumulate stuff) but we love to treat ourselves to a really nice restaurants and travel. My perfect night would be a well-made G&T, followed by a meal of good food, accompanied by good wine and conversation. I also love live music, comedy and theatre.

13. Your perfect night in?

My husband brought a projector, we don’t have a TV and I love setting it up after she’s gone to bed. It feels like we’re at the cinema, quite magical. I also love listening to music and organically talking and working through what’s on your mind with the OH or he’ll set up the speakers while I get a bath and I’ll drift away to another place, maybe have a little boogie in the bath.

14. What would your best friend/OH/mum or kids say is your best quality?

My OH says my honesty.

Thanks Mama Grace, it's great to know more about one of our regular linkers, please do grab your "I was featured' badge.  

Please take some time to connect with Mama Grace on social media:  Twitter  -  Facebook  -  Google+  -  Instagram  -  Pinterest  - Tumblr

And before you link up, if you'd like to be featured in a future Bloggers Showcase then please do get in touch with either Morgan or myself.