#HabitatLightClub and a look at other parts of the store

Last week I told you how my new light from Habitat was right at home, and it really is. Today I'm sharing a bit more from the new lighting range at Habitat and that club visit. Of course it wasn't a proper club, it was in the basement of the Habitat on Tottenham Court Road and that made it kinda cool.

Habitat Light Club - that's a welcome
Arriving at the #HabitatLightClub we were met with a pink neon welcome and cocktails. And an array of lights. The music was on, and the lights were in time to the beat, which actually was pretty cool.
The scene for the club for the night #habitatlightclub
Not the usual decor in a club, but this wasn't a usual club
The copper trend's not going away just yet #habitatlightclub

While we sipped (gulped) our cocktails I wandered around juggling my cocktail, handbag and my camera much to MOH's amusement. But there's some great lights there - and while I'm late to the copper trend party, I'm glad it's still around. The colour of the lights below drew me over, don't they look effective all together?

Great colours, great lights #habitatlightclub

The DJ had taken up residence in one corner, and just in front was the bongo man - who was amazing, and I think every club should have one! There was also some street dance entertainers - oh boy, even typing that made me feel old, in actual fact I've no idea how to describe them, but they were awesome, somersaulting all over the place spectacularly. 

The DJ  #habitatlightclub
And of course Bongos #habitatlightclub

Unusually for me, I'd arrived at Habitat early so took the opportunity to take a look around the store. The rich petrol blues and bright yellow drew me over to this sofa.  I've realised that the petrol blue is a bit of a thing right now, I'm drawn to it - and I expect to demonstrate that here soon - and there also seems to be a lot of it about - have you noticed that too?

rich colours cushions and sofas at habitat

I was all for leaving with a couple of these floor cushions but the crinkled up face from MOH suggested he was less keen. I've no idea where we'd use them, or if I really needed them - but just look at the colours, textures and patterns - divine aren't they?

Texture and patterns in these floor cushions #habitatlightclub

Somehow - who knows how - we stumbled into the Christmas decorations department, which did nothing for MOH's facial expression as it was only October and he's very much of the opinion that Christmas starts around a week before the actual date. So I think I did well to snap a decoration that is so very me!

My perfect Christmas bauble?

Maybe if I'm in town again - on my own obviously - I'll sneak back and purchase at least a couple.  Wish me luck!

* Thanks Habitat for a great evening.