Post Comment Love 6-8 May 2016

Hello - and what a week!  So different weather-wise from last week, and in a good way.  And I've been trying to spend as much time as I can outsidewell it just makes sense...

I've a busy weekend ahead a night out with friends tonight, then catching up with family and a stop off at an Open Studios event, plus all the chores and supervising MOH's baking. That usually means reminding him where the ingredients are and ensuring they get put back in the same place...

Do you fancy being a guest co-host for a week?

This week I've finally booked our trip to France in June - well some of it anyway.  As I'm not sure how much internet I'll have, I'm looking for a guest co-host for the #PoCoLo that'll run 10 - 12 June.  If you'd like to co-host with Morgan then please get in touch.

And if you'd like to feature as a future Newbie Showcase then get in touch too.

Newbie Showcase: Karen from Two Tiny Hands


Karen started her blog last August but didn't really get started blogging until February this year. She says she's had a fun couple of months and is in awe of her fellow bloggers, who she says are amazing.

She loves a challenge - check out her 5x50 Challenge and #ABC123 - and has taken the plunge to host her own linky #ABrandNewDay for anyone to share their own trials and challenges, because everyone struggles at some point.  

To read more about Karen and her blog and to see her favourite posts pop over to Morgan's blog.

Connect with Karen here:

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