The Formal Gardens at Polesden Lacey

After focussing last week on the Head Gardener's Office I thought it would make sense to take you on a walk around the rest of the Formal Gardens. I managed to make my way safely past the guard on the gate and skirted round the house and into the garden as the sky was blue, but looking ominous.


I soon found myself at the Ladies Garden unsure whether it was just for the Ladies or named because of the statues along the back there. Either way, as you can imagine it was the hedges that caught my eye, for a moment.


That is, until I saw this wall. How quirky is this? And how fabulous? 


I bet it has a story to tell.

But onward, into the Rose Garden with its paths edged with lavender. And if you're wondering - wha... lavender? These pictures are from back in July, I stumbled upon them last week.  But oh, can you just imagine the scent...


I liked this view out into the Herbaceous borders. I'd love a wall like this, but I'm just not so keen on seeing my neighbours through it (no offence neighbours if you're reading!).


I wandered along to and through the Thatched Bridge, but as time was short and there was a large slab of cake calling I didn't go any further, but I quite liked this shot I think it has a tranquil feel to it.


Looking at the sky that was greying by the minute, and thinking of that slab of cake I headed back along the Herbaceous Borders, and paused the other side of the hole in the wall, this time to admire the Achillea.


And of course the Red Hot Pokers, I've always got time for them.


As I reached the house, I stopped as I always do to check out the view. Even in July you can see the distinct colours of the trees, I can only imagine how much better it would get in autumn. My timing was impeccable, as I reached the front of the house I felt the first few drops of rain so I was able to dash inside and start my tour of the house. I'll share more on that and no doubt about Mrs Greville soon.

Mammsaurus HDYGG
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