My garden in November

Autumn was a fleeting moment, November brought all the weather. There was sunny, blue skied days but also days so thick with fog it was hard to see up the road. There was also more wind, with the patio chairs taking a tumble one day, and also we had some roadworks taking place right outside - which wasn’t anywhere near as bad as it sounds, but it did bring some interesting colour to the month.

There were also new flowers, not quite what I’d expected in November, but these purple hebe flowers were most welcome.

Even the fog though brought beauty - though this was much more preferable to view from indoors. Thankfully the spiders obliged and decorated our windows with the iced webs…

Foggy skies and jewelled spider webs on the window - viewed from inside!

But it wasn’t all grim. Just look at the colour of the sky in the photo below, and you can just feel the joy from the ‘crown’ of the yellow mahonia. It really is a glorious plant, and I’m so glad we have three of them around the borders. They’re a plant that’s new to us but such a welcome addition, and I’m loving seeing how it develops over the months.

the yellow 'crown' of the mahonia on a blue skied sunny november day
the hardy fuschia hugging the wall and retaining its cheery dancingflowers

We had a hardy fuchsia in our previous garden, and so sort of knew what to expect - but even we were slightly surprised to see the dancing flowers quite so late in the year, even though they were good to see. They’re close to the house so are in our eyeline when looking out the window, which is wonderful.

The roadworks were in place for a week or two and were hardly disruptive at all, which was good. The plants closest to the pavement mostly avoided being marked with the red spray paint and flattened by the plastic tubes that were stored close by for the work taking place - sometimes much closer than I really would have liked!

the outside part of our garden sprayed somewhat red during the roadworks taking place

It was a month of few photos, but thankfully some good ones of colourful leaves - of plants that were here when we arrived (below) and the acer we brought with us (bottom).

A beautifully yellow stem of leaves in the sunshine against the bark mulch
The lone and most vivid red coloured leaves left on the acer

Their colours really do make your heart sing, don’t they?