I’ve finished my garden cushion covers, just as autumn arrived! But even though the weather has been changeable (to say the least) we have been able to try them out in the garden, and in the sun. I should have talked myself into doing these way before now though, as once again the task in my mind was way harder than it actually turned out to be in real life.
I’d seen the outdoor fabric l liked last year and as luck would have it, when I looked again shortly after our new garden table and chairs arrived I saw that it was on sale. So I made a way over the top guesstimate purchase on the basis that I probably wouldn’t be that lucky twice. I guesstimated enough for the four scatter cushions I wanted to make, the two I will make for the garden sofa when it finally moves outside, and some leftovers for anything else I’d potentially want to make after that.
Then I bought the cushion pads from Dunelm, and a pack of multi-coloured zips, and they all sat in our kitchen for most of the summer! It’s amazing though the motivation for filling the recycling bin, and the cardboard box of cushion inners was nagging me, so some research was needed on how exactly I was going to make these cushions.
That’s where Alanda Craft stepped in. I found their zippered cushion cover tutorial, watched the video and read the written instructions and convinced myself that it actually wasn’t that hard. And it wasn’t.
There was conflicting advice on the internet for what size to cut the material for the covers and so I decided to make a toile, which would also give me an opportunity and confidence boost (hopefully!) about putting in the zip. I know, who even am I?
And with the toile made, I really couldn’t put it off any longer…