The pigeon cruise

On Wednesday we had a random day off, and decided to do something we haven’t done for a while. And in involved going out. When we first moved here we’d often head out for a walk, looking at the houses, people spotting, or along the Thames Path. Later we’d cycle along the same path, getting much further than we ever did on foot.

A lot has changed along the river, and so a plan was hatched to take a closer look. Rather than head to Greenwich, and head east we started at the Thames Barrier and walked into Greenwich. There were plenty of sights to see, one of the more unexplained was, what I’m calling the pigeon cruise.

looking up the River Thames towards London

As you can see the boat has seen better days.

the boat has got a bit of a lean

And didn’t we have a lovely day for a walk along the river? It wasn’t until we got home several ours later that we realised we were a little pinker than when we’d left.

Heading towards the boat, when we got closer we realised it needed much more work than we first thought. But even so there was some charm to the patina.

the boat needs a bit of maintenance

And the local pigeon population also agreed - I bet it stinks in there.

it's seen better days

Do you see the black window with two white dots in the photo below? We were being watched by the sentry pigeon!

pigeons galore have made this their home

Others came and went completely ignoring us, thankfully. We hadn’t even quite made it to the Thames Barrier before this detour, and that pretty much set the tone for the day.

Update: Since writing this post I’ve also been intrigued by the boat’s history, and fortuitously (and rather randomly) have been pointed towards this Ian Visits post - it’s worth a read.
