Six hours is a long time...

In the past few days I've come to realise that dancing for six hours could be harder than I first thought - initially I was all "I can dance, I can jive, having the time of my life" just like a real life Dancing Queen.  Then recently I read a post and had a slight reality check. Don't get me wrong, I'm not regretting signing up for the Red Nose Day Danceathon because I know it's for a good cause and for me, it's way more achievable than a marathon, and much more fun too. But six hours is a long time.

In terms I understand it's the equivalent of

  • five games of Netball or
  • six games of Korfball (yes, more games than netball as there's less breaks, or "tea breaks" as MOH calls them) or
  • watching four games of football, and as any Palace fan knows that isn't always as easy as it sounds or
  • a big night out in the City or
  • a couple of really good lunches! 

Yes six hours of dancing is quite a long time. So yesterday afternoon I looked out our Wii for the first time since all the Phase 1 redecorations completed. Amazingly I knew where it was and found all the right bits, even the Just Dance game which if I'm honest I was surprised I even had!


To test it out I lost a few games of tennis (to the Wii, not MOH) but managed to score a couple of strikes and a few spares in the bowling, before the batteries in the remote ran out. And that put an end to that as I could only find a single spare AA battery.  

So today I'm off out to replenish our battery supplies and will be firing up Just Dance on the Wii and seeing how I get on. I'm hoping that by bopping about to this a few times a week for the next month I'll boost my stamina so I'm less creaky when it's all over. I'm also hoping to test out my footwear choice and road test my outfit (right now, that's what outfit as I'm still working that out too). Other than dancing I'll still be trying to increase my cycling levels and getting further up those hills as well as my usual Pilates. So hopefully all that will be enough to up my game from "totally winging it" to "prepared enough but still not a pro" which I think is always a good place to be.

Wish me luck. 


Sponsorship update: This weekend I've reached over 50% of my £300 target, thanks to some very lovely people. I know that I know a whole heap more lovely people so I'm hoping I'll get much closer to that target before the big day. Here's a link to my sponsorship page, in case you're one of those lovely people and don't have the link to hand right now. From me and on behalf of the people you're helping, thank you.

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