I like handmade cards and this year for Valentine's Day I thought I'd carry on the tradition I started last year (with the lino print handmade card) and make my own. I originally thought I may try something I'd seen on Pinterest which involved putting wool in glue and then shaping the gluey-wool into hearts and bought some wool in preparation, on eBay no less. However it seemed a bit messy for me and as the day approached I started to have second thoughts. Left looking for alternative inspiration, would you believe it an email popped into my mailbox from Love Knitting urging me to knit a quick heart - well, it seemed just the inspiration I needed so I dug out my knitting needles.
The heart was quick to knit - intact I knitted eight of them in a couple of hours last Thursday afternoon, and for the record I only sent one Valentines Card! I had hoped to make an impromptu garland with the remaining hearts but was stumped for the actual garland part as I didn't want to use a length of wool, or string, or ribbon. On Friday morning I knew exactly what I wanted to make the garland and that was a crochet hook... I can't crochet, well not anything that is recognisable but my forte is a crocheted string. Or it would have been if I'd found a crochet hook. I looked in all of the usual places and some of the more unusual ones too before giving into the thought that I'd put the small selection of hooks that I did have in the charity shop bag, because I never used them. So my garland was scuppered for this year, next year I'll be more prepared!
So I chose my best heart-shaped heart and weaved in the ends. I'd left them long enough that I used one of the ends to sew the heart to the card. I used a darning needle which was sharper than I expected so real blood, sweat and tears went into the production of this card.
It's quite a simple design, but it's the simplicity that I like. That's clearly a theme because if you remember my 2014 Christmas cards they were simple too. I decided to add a kiss in the bottom right corner, though I was conscious of how it would look on the reverse.
I like the detail of the running stitch heart visible on the inside of the card
And I think it held it's own alongside the card MOH bought me. Actually I think he does well choosing cards I like and I was spoilt this Valentine's Day with a pink champagne afternoon tea to be booked for a future date and a pair of pink cycling gloves, which I shared on my Facebook page. In return he's now expecting two new tyres for his bike - how romantic - for the other love of his life!
For the hearts destined for the garland after weaving in the ends, I added a loop to attach them to the garland. It's just that I'm saving the garland for next time!
Did you make anything for your Valentine?