Autumn leaves on the allotment

Last Saturday I spent an hour or two on the plot clearing some space for my onions which I'd started in a seed tray in the greenhouse. With the green shoots almost three inches it was time to get them planted out. And of course, just as I was starting to get going it started to rain. Hard. I'd come prepared with my waterproof so I carried on. 

As I waded in the mud - thankfully in wellies - I realised that the allotment could be just the place to get my fix of Autumn leaves. So before I left for home I had a wander around the site to see what I could see. 

The vine leaves on the surrounding plots were a multitude of colours and with incredible detail.

I loved the fluffiness of these artichokes and the droplets of water on the nasturtium leaves. I have artichokes on my plot and I have nasturtium seeds to grow next year, so hopefully next year I'll be showing you ones I've grown.

There were still more leaves to see. The fig leaves were almost yellow. Further along on a compost heap where these purple veined brassicas, and despite its obvious circumstances I think it's still quite pretty.

On my own plot, the leaves of the beans that I haven't cleared away are also changing colour

Can you guess what this leaf belongs to?

It's from my sunflower which is just about still hanging on. 

I've a bit of purple going on on my plot too. The rogue artichoke which is growing where it fancies, looked great alongside the green of my storage bench.  And my purple sprouting broccoli is coming along nicely, I'm looking forward to eating it next year!

Yes, the walk around the allotment certainly gave me my autumn leave fix. Where do you get yours?

Mammsaurus HDYGG