The Garden Year: September 2023

Well last month was challenging, dry spells, wet spells and often windy too. In the past month I’ve lost my rosemary bush, which is frustrating as we’d moved it with us here. It was a relatively old plant, which had lived in a pot for many a year, so I don’t think it liked the changed conditions. I think it was the wind it mostly didn’t like, which is probably a good pointer for me to actually move the pots from where they were dumped (placed carefully!) when we arrived.

August was also a good month for visiting gardens as part of the National Garden Scheme, and I was excited to discover there’s actually gardens we can visit close to our new house. We got to one, didn’t get to another - but I’m continuing to look at what’s on offer now every time the newsletter drops into my inbox. If you want to know more, there’s details on how to find garens near you on the post I’ve linked this month.

Advice, inspiration and places to visit
