Reflecting on my week #133

I skipped last week’s update as time ran away with me again, and if I’m honest there probably wasn’t much new to say about being in lockdown. If there was - apart from bored with the whole thing now - I can’t remember! So either it wasn’t memorable, or I’m losing my marbles. Or both.

This past week - week 13 of working from home - has been punctuated by a couple of notable things; the first the sheer volume of rain on Wednesday evening, which arrived while MOH was out cycling, and the second a brief trip into the office.

But first the rain. Wow. For 20 minutes, it was full on. Bouncing high off the pavements, flushing through the gutters, and puddling on the grass. Which seemed to approve of it all, and is now looking greener again. MOH was sheltering by the entrance, or close to the foot tunnel waiting for the worst of it to pass. Ten minutes or so later, when it was less torrential, he headed home and straight into the shower muttering about grit, bike chains and goodness knows what else.

As it slowed I dashed out across the flooded grass to shut the greenhouse door, and to snap some raindrops on the agapanthus, before it picked up pace again.


Actually, I’ve remembered there’s a third notable thing to mention, and that’s that I have a hair appointment booked for 4 July! My hairdressers are making plans to reopen, and that includes having customers. It’s a phone call that I was very pleased to take, I can’t wait, though I’m sure she will have her work cut out to undo some of my own snippings. But given that I like it short and it’s much longer than usual I’m sure there’s hair to play with.

It was weird to be in the office when I popped in on Friday. Nowadays popping in includes all the necessary paperwork as the office and surrounding buildings are generally closed. I was there to collect my footstool, so I can use in our kitchen table office at home. It was only a short stop, but even so I took a few snaps to share with colleagues, and it felt like a lifetime ago since we were all there.


The view above is from the kitchen, and is a great one to ponder and admire while making a cuppa.


My first mini box of mini skeins arrived too, and it’s gorgeous. There’s something about the mini skeins, that is, until I remembered they needed unravelling and winding into a ball before using. But, being mini, that’s not quite so bad.

Since they arrived I’ve spent a fair amount of time Googling ideas and patterns, then remembered I’d bought a vintage shawl pattern which I’m going to give a go. My reservation is how the colours will go together, as the colours in the future boxes are unknown. Though, if I embrace that, it should be fine.

This week I predict I’ll be Googling stain removal, as I’ve managed to get a random red-looking stain on my bright yellow trousers. I think it’s likely to be pollen or cherry juice, so any tips you have will be gratefully received!
