Hello there and welcome to another Post Comment Love. If you were here last week it was great to see you and if you're new here this week welcome. A few weeks ago I said I wasn't sure what day it was and well this week after a few days away it's safe to say I'm even more confused than I was then. I was back at work yesterday and that felt like Monday. There's definite advantages to discovering what you thought was Monday is actually Thursday, but it's not so great time wise when you've already a growing to do list. So once again I'll be playing catch-up again - so please bear with me!
We did have a great few days away in the beautiful Suffolk countryside and it was much needed. We were lucky - mostly - with the weather, even managing a twenty mile cycle into the nearest town of Framlingham where I spied another contender for a future loo series, so watch out for that next week, I hope. We thought we'd take advantage of the sun that afternoon and take a bottle of wine with us for our picnic in the vineyard where we were staying. The sun was fed up of playing by then and it wasn't long before we gave up and were back in the cottage with a cup of coffee instead!
Bloggers Showcase: Rachel from Wheelz and Wearing Heels
The aim of Rachel's blog - Wheelz and Wearing Heels - is to raise awareness of cerebral palsy and chronic illness, and she also writes about beauty, fashion and lifestyle too and admits to being a stationery addict (nothing wrong with that I say!). She says finds it difficult attracting people to her content and so finds herself on social media 24/7, which is where she found our #BloggerShowcase questions, and the three words she uses to describe herself are independent, granny and hilarious, so it's definitely worthwhile popping over to Morgan's blog and find out more about Rachel, but first don't forget to connect with Rachel on social media: