Post Comment Love 29-31 July 2016

Hello and welcome to another #PoCoLo and another Friday - yay! Welcome back if you've been here before and hello if it's your first time linking. I'm loving the variety of posts you link up each week and while I'm a bit behind on my reading - it's that nice weather again - I fully intend to get around to all of you, and catch up on myself.

I'm trying not to beat myself up too much about it - and hope you don't beat me up either - but when the weather is warm and the days are long, routine seems to fall by the wayside a bit. As usual I've been cramming in as much as I can and my posts this week have been inspired by a visit to Norfolk last weekend, it's been far too long since I was last there! 

My photo this week has links to Norfolk, but is of my dresser at home. I cut the lavender from the allotment earlier in the week and have hung it there to dry and to enjoy its scent. I'm quite proud of my little bit of lavender, I took the cuttings and nurtured them along to this.  And those cuttings came from a plant dad gave me - the Norfolk connection!

Newbie Showcase: Jade from The Parenting Jungle

I am Jade, creator of the The Parenting Jungle, a (somehow) multi-award nominated parent blogger (nanny??!), cake eater and Mummy to a five year old son, who is three foot of superhero-shaped excitement.

I trained in Primary education and Social work. Sadly neither of these courses educated me on how to get my own child to sleep, or eat anything but spaghetti hoops. I was a single parent until a few months ago. I am not sure what is more difficult, raising a child solo or trying to maintain a successful adult relationship when you have given up shaving your legs. I like loose routines, outdoor playing, positive reinforcement, dragon breathing (when you are cross & want to curse) and eating your kid’s leftovers.

The Parenting Jungle

I post about all things parent-hood. My blog is a colourful mishmash of photographs, personal experiences and heartfelt posts from the times where I wished I had another parent to hit me on the face with a soggy nappy and say, ‘you can get through this, it's ok if you are wearing yesterday’s pants’.  I try to always include tips and offer support to dispel that lingering grey feeling that we are not good enough as parents. When I give advice, I know that I am a novice and every parent is different. Diversity is good; look how successful skittles are. I also post family friendly recipes, have a Storytime vlog, lifestyle posts, offer product reviews, feature child friendly days out in the South West and whatever else tickles my mummy fancy. 

Five of my/my blogger buddies favourite Jungle posts are: 

  1. My mum-splanations. Three common questions parents are asked and how I answered.

  2. A note to a new mother. Mum to a mum. 

  3. Thinking of the dad I never had before father’s day and what a dad means to my son.

  4. The reality of separate parents and shared parenting: a Mummy’s feelings on weekends with Daddy.

  5. MUMMY. I am going to poo in my Spiderman onesie.” The power battles of a five year old.

Connect with Jade here

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If your blog is under a year old and you'd like to be a future Newbie Showcase please get in touch with Morgan or I. And if you've been meaning to send over your content, we have a gap for next week if you're interested. Nudge, nudge.

The parenting jungle gang