Post Comment Love 25-28 March 2016

Welcome to another week of #PoCoLo in a week when I've been cycling around Lincolnshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire and experienced mixed results wifi-wise! That's also affected my ability to comment on and tweet last week's linkers, I'm slowly making my way through them though...

This is our "practice panniers" trip and while packing was hard work, because it needed to be precise, so far it's gone ok. As you read I may just be cycling my way back from Newark-on-Trent to Grantham (although that really does depend on when you're reading) and that may mean it might take me longer than usual to RT any tweets you tag me in, I'll catch up though and tweet them when I can.

We've already clocked up a 25-miler from Grantham to Melton Mowbray (and yes there was pie!) and a 35-miler onto Newark-on-Trent on a grey and chilly day, when the only thing to do was keep moving.

I will no doubt, be sharing more about our trip in the next few weeks so in the spirit of keeping moving, let's catch up with this week's Newbie Showcase.

But before we do, this week's link-up will stay open until 11pm on Easter Monday so there's more time than usual to link up your posts.

Newbie Showcase: Kate from The Less-Refined Mind


Kate blogs over at  The Less-Refined Mind and describes herself as a "maverick mummy blogger by day, kickass Jedi master by night" to find out more about her then pop over to Morgan's blog to read more. 

Connect with Kate here: 

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