I've written before how special a place Greenwich Park is for me and how just being there can lift my spirits - see A boost of a walk through Greenwich Park. Monday saw me head to the park for a wander, as after a rain-soaked weekend and the forecast for the week ahead looking mostly similar I worked out that Monday was my best bet for staying dry while I was out. So around 3pm, chores and Pilates completed off I set.
I hadn't been in the park for a while so I was keen to see how it'd changed now that autumn is well and truly here. There's a couple of views in the park that I know are guaranteed to make my heart sing - the avenues of trees of which there are many and the view down into Greenwich and over to Docklands. And the duck pond, you can't beat the ducks on the duck pond, although I'd set out ill prepared and without any bread. Next time ducks, I promise.
After breathing in the view above, which is one I get pretty much as soon as I enter the park, I decided to head through the Flower Garden towards the duck pond (despite not having any bread)
No squirrel, I don't have any nuts either
There was still plenty of colour around and this yellow tree (technical term) looked magnificent. And as I stopped to admire it I got a glimpse of what might transpire as the sun peeked through the trees.
As I got closer, the view became even more magical.
I said it'd rained a lot and the puddle above beautifully reflected the trees. I reached the duck pond and sat for a while admiring the view and watching the duck's antics. I was briefly joined by a toddler and his grandparents who occasionally quacked at the ducks and surreptitiously stole glances at the lady sitting on the bench on her shopping bag. Incase you're wondering it was the toddler quacking and not the grandparents and well, what was I to do the bench was wet...
The ducks swum over keenly and hungrily and were quickly disappointed as not only had I not brought bread nor had the grandparents and the toddler. There was much diving for food right in front of us, as if to make a point but the little fella with the fab hairdo was staying strictly above the water.
These two were going for it. And yes they bumped into each other shortly after I took this photo...
So folding my shopping bag back up, I moved on and noticed that there was still some colour to be found, and it seems no one told the hydrangea it's November.
Leaving the Flower Garden I headed past the Bandstand and towards the General Wolfe statue for the view that I rarely leave Greenwich Park without seeing. However the sunset was already building into a beauty.
Ah, and here's that view. I think it was looking especially splendid with the sun glinting off Canary Wharf. It was a popular spot - it always is - and there were a fair few tripods set up to photograph something special.
I'd been out longer than I thought (blame the ducks!) so I decided to head back and turned to see this tree lit by the setting sun.
As I walked towards Maze Hill I turned back for a final glimpse of Docklands and couldn't help but admire it with these silver Birch in the foreground.
So having reached the Bandstand again I stood to admire the sunset, before deciding to head back through the Flower Garden and towards the exit. And I'm glad I did as the mists were much more dramatic there.
So even in November Greenwich Park is a fantastic place and one capable of lifting my spirits and something I'm glad we've got on our doorstep. Do you have places that you couldn't do without?
This post is also linked to Our World Tuesday.