This week I've a guest cook in the kitchen - MOH. He'd promised to make chocolate mousse for my birthday at the end of May but with it being a weekday and what with one thing and another I've only just called in the chocolate mousse promise!

52 Cookbooks: the challenge is to cook a
new recipe from one of my (many)
cookbooks each week for a year...
He's been at home again this week, recovering from his chicken pox but is so much better - next week he's back to work. Phew. My task was to find a chocolate mousse recipe and I thought it would be good to try this one. Usually I'll go straight for the Leon chocolate mousse recipe but now I'm in the habit of actually looking at my cookbooks, I thought why not...
The book this week is Hugh F-W's River Cottage Fruit Everyday book from the TV series of the same name.
MOH is a good cook and I often save the recipes with lists of ingredients as long as your arm for him as I know he'll follow them to the letter, where I'd get bored half-way through and start to improvise...
With MOH cooking it usually goes something like this - "No, you sit down I'll do it" followed by "Where's this, where's that" and I'm up and down finding things in the kitchen. Having had experience of this I get the ingredients out now before I sit down, however we seemed to have a mixing bowl shortage so I was up helping to locate those. And Billy the electric whisk. And the tea cups to serve this in...
When I did sit down again though it dawned on me that I'd not get to lick the bowls out. Oops, tactical error. Oh well!
However MOH called me when there was a bowl to be licked - yay! Although there was no way though that he could claim to be innocent in the bowl licking department as he had chocolate mousse on his face...
Here they are:

I'm a very lucky girl!
The verdict
- Apparently I couldn't have chosen a recipe that needed anymore bowls! I suspect I could but I didn't know that was the challenge...
- It's got fruit in it - limes - so it must be healthy!!
- They were saltier than I expected, but I liked the salt and lime taste with chocolate.
- They were fluffy and quite rich, but lovely - I think we'll be having these again!