My garden in April

In my previous update I shared how our garden was reawakening, bringing colour with daffodils and the start of the tulips, this month that continued and although the weather hasn’t been great the garden has been stoic - the tulips have done their thing and made me smile during the windier days, and the blossom has been fab. I’ve so many more photos, so that’s another sign that the weather is on the up!

Looking down onto one of the yellow tulips, delicately striped with orange
Two pots of tulips and a pot of daffodils - all of the flowers looking right on a windy day

I’m glad I captured the tulips on the patio being blown about - it made me smile, though I’m guessing the tulips weren’t quite so keen! I wasn’t sure if they would right themselves as even once the wind stopped they stayed bent, but after a while they did straighten up again, though some of them stayed a little wayward - as tulips do!

The trees have started to flourish this month, and some more than others but I’ll come onto that. The crab apple tree started with the deepest pink blossom, which faded to pale pink and then white as the flowers opened. By the end of the month most of the blossom has gone - either naturally or helped by the wind, so I’m hoping that we’ll have plenty of crab apples to harvest later in the year.

The start of the cherry blossom with tight bright pink buds on the trees branches

I had concerns about one of the field maples, we have three in the outside border. The central one wasn’t in leaf as much as the other two and so I sought some advice from the RHS, which I didn’t realised I could do until now. The advice confirmed my suspicions and some remedial work has been needed, so we did that one sunny Saturday morning with much trepidation. It’s early days, and of course the tree is now much smaller than the other two which is a shame, but a healthier tree is a much more preferable result. Hopefully I’ll be able to share more good news on this in future, but for now please keep your fingers crossed.

There’s better news elsewhere in the garden though. The small nectarine tree which I brought home from dad has thrived over the winter, and last month I shared its blossom. This month I finally braved my knot skills and made a frame for it from bamboo canes and twine. And I was quite impressed with how it turned out.

The nectarine tree main stem- full of leaves and perhaps the start of a tiny fruit

I checked to see how it was doing towards the end of the month, and look, there looks like there may be tiny fruits starting to grow. There’s a few on each branch (but this is the best photo I have), so who knows what I’ll be able to share later in the year.

The potted acer outside our back door is full of leaves now, and I think could probably do with a trim - but it seems happy where it is as I’m not sure I remember seeing so many leaves on it before. I’m not complaining though.

An open flower on the crab apple tree with bright pink buds and leaves around it.

See what I mean about how joyous the crab apple blossom is?

The buddleia bush in the outside border - now half the size it once was

With a brown bin collection due I decided to make the most of that and a sunny morning, and took my secateurs to the buddleia bush. At one point I thought this whole bush would be for the chop, but after seeing how many butterflies and bees it brought to the garden I had a change of heart, so I pruned it instead. And then it all grew back, and so I’ve cut it a little bit harder this time. I’m under no illusion though that I won’t be cutting this again, and again though!

Red seedling lettuces from the garden centre now in single pots enjoying the sun

I bought some seedling lettuces at the garden centre this month, and then realised I no longer have a greenhouse. I also realised this again after I sowed some sunflowers, but more on that another time. Of course I know I don’t have a greenhouse, but it’s only when you have small plants (or seeds) that you realise how useful a greenhouse would be. Instead though the lettuces have been sheltering low down in one of the pots we brought with us from London, in one of the more sheltered spots I’d found. I potted them on and then nestled them into place, and they’ve done really well so I’m hopeful we’ll be eating red lettuce this summer.

Lupins covered in raindrops

I love raindrops on plants, especially on lupins - and this month as well as the wind, the lupins we bought at the Newark Garden Show, got to experience that first hand too.

In other good news the silver birch whip which we picked up from our council back in January is alive. I wasn’t sure what it would do, especially as I put it into a pot rather than straight into the ground, but when I checked it I was really pleased to see leaves at the base and midway up the stick of a tree. There’s buds all the way to the top of the plant, so with a few more nicer days I’m sure there’ll be more leaves to come.

The small apple tree is also back in leaf, still in its London pot

The small apple tree which we brought from London is also back in leaf. I’ve been wondering where we can plant this and coming up blank as the gaps we have are a bit too close to the house, or as the tree grows would block views we currently enjoy. Talking through the start of our garden plans with MOH we realised that the back wall might also be an option for this tree, though it is much more mature than the nectarine tree above I’m going to look at it more closely to see if that too can also be trained to grow along a frame. I suspect that it would benefit from refreshed soil and some weeding in any case - as over the past few years it’s been left to fend for itself standing on the step outside our old shed.

While checking to see how the pots had overwintered I was pleased to see the redcurrant plant which hadn’t really thrived in our previous garden was in leaf, but more surprised to see that one of the peonies has already started to grow though its circular support.

I can’t wait to see how our garden develops in the next month, I’m sure I’ll have much more to share next time round.

A walk from Kinoulton to Hickling and back again

Feeling a bit of cabin fever we checked the weather forecast and planned a walk for the best predicted day for some fresh air, nature and a pub lunch. We opted to head away from our cluster of villages, and the lanes we usually walk and to explore somewhere different for a change.

MOH has been to Hickling with his cycle group, and we’ve visited the Old Wharf Tearooms there for lunch - though on one of those bitterly cold days, but the food was good and the setting will be much improved by some warmth, so we hope to head back there over the summer.

The walk started in Kinoulton (and I’ve shared the route map from Strava further on) and we parked in the street close to The Nevile Arms which I’d seen on Facebook, and where we planned to stop for lunch after the walk. Getting our bearings we were off, walking out of the village towards fields and past this gorgeous looking property.

A grand looking house at the start of our walk in Kinoulton

It wasn’t long before we were picking our way across fields, which while mostly dry were at points still a bit moist. I may have been over-optimistic with my choice of footwear, opting for walking sandals rather than boots, but my feet were aching for some fresh air too. It was mostly ok apart from one place where I did get a little muddy, even after choosing what I thought was the best route - but I’m not sure there really was a good route. I didn’t mind getting muddy, even though I don’t like walking in mud - it’s the slipping and sliding that I really detest, and which really slows me down. I also knew that I had clean shoes and socks in the car, as there’s no way I could be driving in any kind of walking footwear.

a field with pylons in the foreground stretching into the distance
Walking along a grass path with hedgerows to our right and soft blue skies above

It was good to be out in the countryside and amongst nature, the weather was actually a bonus. The route was teasing us with glimpses of this even grander house in the distance - we never actually reached it, but it was great to see it coming more into view.

An even grander looking house in the distance nestled amongst trees
lichen on a wooden gate with the green field in the background

At the gate we doubled back on ourselves and headed around the fields trying to keep ourselves on the right path while avoiding walking directly across the fields, which was where the path on the map looked to be but in reality it was hard to spot.

Years ago we went walking in France on a walk that took in many sunflowers, these rather sad and spent looking sunflowers reminded us both of that trip and made us wonder what we’ll encounter on our upcoming walking trip to Italy.

spent sunflower heads on the edge of one field, with the pylons still stretching into the distance
A bee taking a rest and refuelling on a dandelion flower

Before heading back to the road for a short stint I spotted this bee taking a break and refuelling - and it underlines the need to keep some dandelion flowers early in spring for just this.

We arrived at Hickling Basin and well it was a bit greyer than when we’d started out, but just imagine this view on a sunnier day - though I think you’d need to imagine a lot more people there too!

Arriving at Hickling Basin, looking across to the Old Mill cafe
The map of the route from our walk taken from Strava

At this point we’re halfway through the walk - by destination, if not in miles - and so I’m sharing the Strava map at this point rather than at the end, we walked in clockwise direction heading toward Colston Bassett (and the big white house). Both Colston Bassett and Long Clawson produce good local cheeses - which we’ve tasted and agree with! Cotgrave, which we’ve not visited, is a former mining town whose colliery finally closed in the early 1990s, but like other Nottinghamshire mines continued to operate during the miner’s strike in the mid 1980s.

The next leg of the route back to Kinoulton, the car and lunch took us along the Grantham Canal path, so different scenery completely - but also the chances of more mud encounters severely reduced.

Leaving Hickling on the canal path with the canal to our left
Two swans and their nest on the canal

What we did see though was a pair of swans building and tending their nest. One swan was pulling reeds through the water and adding them to the already well established nest, while the other stayed with the nest. With swans eggs hatching between May and July, it’s possible that there were already eggs in the nest.

It was great to watch - and a complete time waster - but we dragged ourselves away and continued along the towpath. Our reward as we left the path was this fabulous tree in blossom.

A huge cherry tree in blossom at the end of the canal path

What a joy!

And such an enjoyable walk too. Now to find the car - though I’d managed to park just further down the same road without knowing, isn’t it great when things work out! A shoe change and we were set for lunch in the local pub, The Nevile Arms - who do a special lunch menu, alongside their usual menu. Our fish and chips were good, and it’s somewhere we’ll add to our ‘places to stop and eat list’ along with the Old Wharf cafe which was already included.

Post Comment Love 3 - 6 May

Hello there, and welcome back to this week’s #PoCoLo - a friendly linky which I co-host with Suzanne, where you can link any blog post published in the last week. We know you’ll find some great posts to read, and maybe some new-to-you blogs too, so do pop over and visit some of the posts linked, comment and share some of that love.

Please don’t link up posts which are older as they will be removed from the linky, and if older posts are linked then please don’t feel that it’s necessary to comment on those. If you were here last week it was great to have you along, if you’re new here this week we’re pleased you’ve joined us.

This week we have finally had a lovely day - with sun, and warmth - and it felt so good. It was still windy mind, which took the glow off it a bit but it’s the first time that we’ve really sat in the garden, or had the doors open, this year. The next morning it was all quite different though as we woke up to fog - hmmnn. The warmer temperatures are due to return, so let’s hope we’re in for a prolonged spell of warmer weather.

As I was popping into and out of the kitchen from the garden I noticed a peculiar, but very cute, little rainbow occurring in my kitchen sink. I never worked out exactly what was causing the prism of light, but I definitely enjoyed it!

Have a good week - and be sure to check out the fab competition I’ve linked up this week (and if you’re able to share it I’d really appreciate that - thank you).

You are invited to the Inlinkz link party!

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