Reflecting on my week #140

The weeks are going past in a ‘blur of sameness’ at the moment, even though schools are back and more people are heading back to work. Last week was week 25 of working from home, and while there may be occasional trips to the office, for me, things are likely to stay the same for a little while yet.

I skipped posting here last week, I seemed to have run out of time, which on reflection I think is a manifestation of priorities out of kilter that’s been building for a while. Though a reality check quite often comes along, and mine has too.

I’ve posted before about not quite switching off and needing to be offline, and that’s true, but while my online time can’t always expand how that time is spent should be within my control. So I’ll be working more on that, as well as trying to get my blood pressure down. A routine blood test and an actual visit to the doctors last week identified it was more than a tad on the high side.


In the garden, the roses are starting to flower again perhaps sensing the burst of warm weather that’s expected. I caught the squirrel sitting in one of our mysteriously nibbled pots of salad leaves, which has somewhat dampened our interest in picking some leaves to eat ourselves.

The smallest #notmycat has developed an unhealthy interest in the squirrels, who chase each other round and round in circles. On Friday the cat joined in, and watching them made me laugh out loud. Even more so when the squirrel headed up the tree at full pelt, leaving the cat confused and wondering where it was. As only cats can, it styled it out, wandering nonchalantly off in the other direction.


In other news I’ve finally finished a crocheted item, and it’s been a while since I have. I have many projects on the go, so it was good to finally sew something together. This laptop sleeve is practical as well as pretty, and will help protect my laptop in a bag, but more on that in another post soon.

The weather is looking good for at least the first part of the week, and we’re planning to get the barbecue fired up again, it’s been a while. The last time we used it was the middle of August when MOH slow-cooked some fabulous pork belly. This week it’ll be more usual fare, though we might get as far as a paella if the weather holds.

Let’s hope so, let’s also hope the ‘rule of six’ does what it needs to in the next few weeks and months.