Reflecting on my week #138

I always knew this week was going to be a big and busy week at work, and so it’s Wednesday already and I’m only just writing this post. We had a couple of much needed days off at the end of last week and the two days couldn’t have been more different. Thursday was a slow day, a day for life admin and sitting in the sun on sun beds with an ice cream. Sometimes that’s just what’s needed isn’t it?

a day off complete with ice cream and sun

I had a second hair cut wearing a mask - it’s still weird, and I still find myself fascinated by breathing the material in and out. It’s daft but I become obsessed by it, so it was just as well that this visit was just a trim rather than the full blown colour.

Then the next day we headed over to the National Trust’s Chartwell for a wander - and a blow - around the gardens there. The house wasn’t open and it was our first visit there. It’s a lovely garden, full of picturesque vistas and the best walled garden. We followed the one way system around the garden but like many other visitors we adapted the route through the vegetable garden. I’m not sure anyone just wanted to walk through the central path and out onto the next part of the garden, so I think that will need some reconsidering.

stepping stones at NT chartwell
hydrangeas at nt chartwell

We explored as much of the garden and woodland as we could, though I’m not sure that I was quite ready to find an acorn.

An acorn - surely it's too early?

It’s been a while since we’ve done any proper gardening and we put that right too. We’ve a corner at the back of our garden which has become more overgrown than we’d like. A vine has popped over from next door and firmly lodged itself in our cherry tree. It’s clearly happy as we picked a few grapes, and there’s plenty more still to be picked. MOH, who pretty much eats anything tried them, and declared them passable. I tried them and the verdict is pips. The pip to grape ratio is high, and too high for me, so most are now in the bird feeders!

grapes from our garden

The good news though, is there’s only two working days left this week already!