This was the recipe (actually it was one of them) that persuaded me to buy the book. I'm a fan of Jamie's bish-bash-bosh cooking so I would have more than likely acquiesced at some point, this recipe meant it was sooner rather than later!

I even went as far as buying a kilo of frozen broccoli and cauliflower and they've been sitting in my new freezer since the middle of December. Two kilos of veg takes up quite some room so it was time for them to make way... I've used the last of our Stilton in this, instead of the cheddar Jamie suggests. Amazingly the recipe has only got 75g of strong cheddar in. I had a little more Stilton so have added all of it...

Jamie's version
I started cooking this later than I should have and was surprised to discover that it takes an hour and a half to cook... Well, I guess it'll take as long as it takes and it won't be hurried!
On the plus side, this week I won't be adding anything green to it to appease MOH... However, not to be beaten this week he's concerned that it's just vegetables. No meat. Or no pasta. It's not that we eat meat at every meal so I'm not quite sure where he's coming for this week.
I guess I just can't win!

My version
The verdict:
The sauce was runnier and less-cheesey than I would have liked.
The frozen veg worked well,and still retained some crunch rather than turning to mush.
Would I cook it again?
I'm not sure I'd specifically search this recipe out again, but I would add broccoli to the sauce and I would use frozen veg again.
I'd probably adapt this and add some macaroni to it too and I liked the addition of flaked almonds to the crumb.
That's just as well really, as I have two portions ready for the freezer for another day!