Reflecting on my week #111

Well, happy new year. Hope yours was everything you expected it to be, and more. I finally went back to work today, and it was just as full on as I remembered, if not more, and while that’s nice I could quite happily have at least a few more days off, but couldn’t we all?

I had plenty of plans for my time off, and some of them I even put into action. Of course my list was way bigger than I could ever really achieve and I’ve realised that while I like a plan, I also fall into the last minute category too. One of my biggest successes, apart from some fantastic bargain hunting, was getting back into my colourful Vintage Sweetheart crochet project again. I’d forgotten just how bright it is, but I’ve made headway with another two and a bit of the granny square motifs completed. As the CAL (crochet along) has long finished instead of completing it by section I’m taking a more industrial approach and finishing all of one type of design before moving onto the next.

getting back in touch with my colourful crochet project

My crochet wasn’t the only colourful thing though. Holiday washing and some new colour in my hair have also brightened my days. I think I’m just about through all the holiday washing, though our suitcase isn’t quite empty yet - it’s one of those post-holiday jobs that I never seem to quite get through in one go. The upside about holidays though, apart from the obvious, is the opportunity to read more. And with no work to go to since I’ve been back, that’s continued so look out for a post on what I’ve read lately soon.

colourful holiday washing (clean)

I’ve also realised that I’ve become a stripey top kind of girl, with at least three new striped variants being added to my wardrobe since I last wrote a weekly post.

i've a thing for striped tops

I’ve pulled out my lettering kit and tackled some projects, aided and abetted by a couple of Christmas presents but more on that tomorrow. My patchwork quilt almost made it out of it’s work in progress storage, but not quite. I’m still cutting it out - yes, still - and it’s one of those tasks that in my mind is probably much bigger than it actually will be in reality, but for whatever reason I can’t quite get myself to start, just yet.

upping our gin and cocktail game

The final good thing about an extended Christmas break is being able to get our gin and cocktail game on. We’ve had some great negronis, gin and tonics and at the weekend our most recent craft gin box arrived, it’s a tough life.

It must almost be time to book another holiday, yes?